Marketing researches of HVAC markets

Climate equipment market research in Russia and the former USSR’s nations, information support for climate business, consulting services.

Litvinchuk Marketing

Georgy Litvinchuk
Marketer, director of «Litvinchuk Marketing»
A student of Moscow State Technical University n.a. N.E. Bauman (MSTU). Thorough training in Student Sociological Center of MSTU. Participation in several tens of sociological researches. Promotion from interviewer to Deputy Director of the Center. Professional skills in literature, painting and psychology.
A market analyst in the Arsenal Trading House.
Head of Advertising & Marketing department of the Petrospek Company’s Moscow branch office operating in climate business.
Independent expert in the field of marketing. Author of more than 150 scientific, analytical and popularizating articles on climate equipment published in special magazines such as Mir Klimata, AVOK, Potrebitel’, S.O.K and JARN, as well as in the mass media such as Komsomol’skaya Pravda (KP), Argumenty i Fakty (AiF), Moskovskijj Komsomolets (MK), Izvestija, Za Rubezhom and etc.
Independent researcher of Russia’s climate equipment market.
Independent researcher of regional climate equipment markets in Russia and the former USSR’s nations: Ukraine, Byelorussia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. In total, more than 20 full-scale marketing researches were conducted from 1997 to 2004.
Founder of Litvinchuk Marketing Co.®.

HVAC Marketing researches


1412, 2005

To estimate the prospects of central air conditioning systems market development one should have a look at the whole climate industry structure and its trends.

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1410, 2005

The Russian climate equipment market has been demonstrating the highest growth rates in Europe for the last years.

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2301, 2005

It is difficult to make statements about what is likely to happen. Especially it relates to climate business. Everyone knows that unlike most other economy branches this business segment depends not only on objective factors but also on the weather that can not be forecasted for more than 10 days yet.

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2607, 2004

The climate market players faced with a problem of ACU sales last autumn. Because of the cold summer they happened to be significantly lower as it was expected.

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2203, 2004

Before the beginning of 2003 season all the climate equipment market players were unanimous in forecasting this market growth. Indeed, a number of objective reasons made them to expect good results.

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2111, 2003

Russian electrical heating equipment market has been rapidly developing since 1998 – a year of economic crisis. This market capacity has practically 5 times grown for the last three seasons.

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